Patrick van der Veldt

Revolutionizing E-Bikes: Decathlon's Latest Offerings


Decathlon Nederland



As a passionate UI designer at Decathlon, I have had the privilege of working on an exciting project that not only pushed the boundaries of design but also celebrated innovation in sustainable urban mobility. In this project, I designed three captivating landing pages for Decathlon’s groundbreaking electric bicycles: the Elops Cargo Longtail R500, Elops E LD 500, and Elops Speed 900E.

These remarkable e-bikes represent a new era of cycling, where technology and eco-consciousness converge to create a seamless and exhilarating riding experience. Each landing page I crafted was carefully designed to reflect the unique personality and features of these bikes, with the goal of capturing the essence of Decathlon’s commitment to quality, style, and sustainability.

I invite you to explore the landing pages I created. It has been an incredible journey and I’m excited to share these designs as a testament to my passion for user interface design and my dedication to shaping the future of mobility. Enjoy the ride!

Curious about the Figma design? Contact me!

Research Phase

The goal of this e-bike campaign was to garner more attention for Decathlon’s e-bikes. Two e-bikes were highlighted: the Elops 900E and the Cargo R500. As these are two completely different types of bikes, we began by identifying the target audience for each e-bike. While the Cargo bike was primarily aimed at families with children, the 900E was more focused on younger individuals where the bike’s aesthetics played a significant role.

For each bike, we mapped out:
1. The needs of the target audience.
2. The features and characteristics that were sought after in the bike.
3. The information customers require when making a decision about an e-bike.


After clarifying the target audience for both bikes, we proceeded to work on the page structure. This involved prioritizing information and focusing on page interaction. Additionally, we aimed to ensure ease of navigation and user engagement throughout the webpage.

Moodboards & Styling

Together with the marketing & communication team and design team, we began working on the styling that would be used during the campaign. This styling was crucial not only for the landing page but also for the entire customer journey. We aimed to create recognizability by implementing the styling across paid social, in-store, and online platforms.

UI design & Animating

Creating the UI design and animations for the e-bike page was an exciting journey. As a UI designer, I focused on making the interface easy to use and visually appealing. I paid close attention to every detail from start to finish to ensure a seamless experience for users. By incorporating innovative design elements and dynamic animations, I aimed to showcase the product and enhance the browsing experience. This project reflects my passion for crafting engaging digital experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Let's grab a coffee!?

Looking for a collaboration or just want to get to know each other? Contact me below and let's schedule a (virtual) coffee meeting!