Patrick van der Veldt

RewardFit app


UX/UI course


Fictional project

“RewardFit” is an innovative app designed to enhance team engagement and performance across various organizations, in this case: Decathlon. The app offers a comprehensive rewards program where team members can earn points by contributing to their teams, improving individual performance, and embodying the company values of their organization. With a wide range of rewards, from sports equipment and team outings to health and wellness benefits, RewardFit promotes a healthy and active lifestyle while fostering team spirit. Users can also give recognition to each other’s achievements, creating a culture of appreciation and collaboration. RewardFit makes rewarding success and strengthening team bonds easier and more enjoyable than ever before.

Research Phase

In this project, I conducted research to design a user-friendly and motivating rewards app. The research phase began with a MindMap to explore ideas and possibilities. Next, I created detailed User Stories to identify the needs and desires of the users. To better understand the users, I developed a persona that represents their goals, frustrations, and motivations. Additionally, I formulated a design challenge to address core problems and develop innovative solutions. Finally, I conducted a benchmark creation to draw inspiration from existing successful examples.

In-depth research was also conducted into the various ways users can earn points in the app. By integrating a variety of tasks and activities, users can stay motivated and earn rewards in a manner that aligns with their daily routines and professional goals. Based on all these findings, a clear flow for the app was determined, resulting in a thoughtful and effective design that helps users achieve their goals while fostering a positive work culture. This research phase laid a solid foundation for designing an effective and appealing rewards app.


After the research phase, I began the wireframing process. During this stage, I visually mapped out the structure and layout of the rewards app. By creating wireframes, I was able to clearly define the user experience and interaction with the app. This helped in identifying potential areas for improvement and ensured that all essential functions and flow logic were presented in a clear and organized manner. The wireframing process was a crucial step in translating the research findings into an intuitive and user-friendly app design.

UI design & Animating

After completing the wireframing process, I proceeded to prototype and finalize the design. This phase involved transforming the skeletal framework into a functional prototype, incorporating visual elements, colors, and branding that align with the app’s objectives. Prototyping allowed me to simulate the user interface interactions and refine the user experience based on feedback and usability testing. By iterating on the prototype, I aimed to create a polished design that not only meets but exceeds user expectations while maintaining consistency with the initial research insights. This phase marked a significant progression towards delivering a compelling and effective rewards app design.

Let's grab a coffee!?

Looking for a collaboration or just want to get to know each other? Contact me below and let's schedule a (virtual) coffee meeting!